Asset management systems are an integral part of Economikr’s expertise, and have been performed for numerous governments and organizations, spanning four continents. The results of these management systems play a key role in determining and finalizing an organization’s decision-making process. These management systems are decision support system, recommending a course of action for network administrators or managers on how to best invest a specific budget (or multi-year budget) according to set objectives – highest economic benefit, lowest cost of maintaining a given level of service, or the cost of maintaining a work plan.
Economikr has been involved in the design, modeling, building and programming of asset management systems for many years in various capacities. Asset management systems are generally comprised of several types of models, engineering, economic, optimization & ranking, and risk analysis (especially relevant for the US Congress' MAP-21 legislation) using economic, engineering, and social variables. Asset management systems are divided into three main categories – roads, bridges, and ports, and are based on a computer software program that includes graphs and multi-level reports.
GIS technology and maps have always been included in Economikr's Asset Management System Software, both at the data collection level, and in the usage of the data collected to further governmental goals. GIS techniques have been used to optimize budget allocation, conveying meanings thru maps such as distributions of work plans, various economic and engineering variables, displaying infrastructure elements and much more.
Botswana OPRC Project
This World Bank project includes the creation of an Asset Management System, economic, financial and risk analysis of various alternatives of about 500 miles of both paved and rural roads in Southern Botswana. It is Botswana's first OPRC (Output and Performance based Road Contracts, a type of PPP) project. In this project both HDM-4 and RED World Bank programs were utilized.
Nigerian Interurban Pavement Management System (PMS)
Performed under the auspices of the World Bank, this DBOMT (Design, Build Operate Maintain Transfer) project was considered to be one of the first PPP (Public Private Partnership) projects in Africa. The project’s focus was on economic optimization under three types of constraints - budgetary, geographical (using GIS methodology), and institutional, beyond typical year-by-year constraints. Economic optimization for this project was based on IBC (Incremental Benefit Cost) methods, incorporating both efficiency frontiers and multi-year analyses.
Pavement Management System (PMS) for Lagos, Nigeria
Performed for the World Bank, this PMS project included multi-modal analysis and the implementation of transportation economics evaluations and economic optimization under a variety of constraints. The project covered the analysis of one hundred different road segments.
Bridge Management System for Mozambique
This high-level project in collaboration with the World Bank, included system analysis, collecting GIS data from various bridges and integrating this data with additional data from other software systems. The project focused on economic optimization, cost breakdowns, and a variety of other studies to evaluate a viable bridge management system in the country.
Pavement Management System of Rural Roads in the Dominican Republic
This project, developed for the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), was dedicated to creating a pavement management system for all rural roads and infrastructure elements throughout the Dominican Republic. This included the creation of economic methodology for transport sector evaluation and analysis, developing a socio-economic ranking procedure and further development of poverty indices, both of which were based on economic potential, social and other factors. The results of this project led to procedures that were later used to allocate budgets under a set of budgetary ceilings. Part of the project was to utilize local GIS maps and enhancing them for use within system to optimize and convey goals using GIS.
Pavement Management System on Israel's Road Network
This project was in conjunction with the National Roads Company of Israel, a government-owned corporation in charge of planning, construction, and maintenance of most of the road structure in Israel, including roads, bridges, and interchanges. The project included optimization and economic feasibility study of various activities under a budget constraint, and its implementation in an internal GIS system.
Development of a Pavement Management System for the Rural Roads Network, Uganda
Performed under the auspices of the World Bank, this project’s major objective was the creation of the TYDRIP (Ten Year District Road Investment Plan). This was achieved by creating a detailed Road Management System (RMS). The RMS included economic feasibility calculations (6 alternatives for each road project), economic optimization under budget and institutional constraints, expansion analysis using statistical methodology, calibrating HDM (Highway Design and Maintenance) and RED (Road Economic Development) World Bank models to local conditions. It further included analysis of motorized and non-motorized traffic, creation of a GIS system based on collected GPS data, interfacing with data from other software systems, economic potential evaluation, and creation of poverty indices which were subsequently use in a ranking procedure.
Development of an Urban Pavement Management System (PMS) for the Roads in 11 Cities, El Salvador
An IDB (Inter-American Development Bank) project, this dedicated PMS project covered the roads in El Salvador’s 11 major cities, including the capital, San Salvador. This large-scale national project included the development of transport models for an urban environment, economic optimization under budget constraints, life cycle cost analysis, and calibration of the World Bank’s HDM-4 (Highway Design and Maintenance) model to urban road conditions. All models created for this project were then integrated using advanced computer programming, including GIS and video.
Development of an Interurban Pavement Management System (PMS) for Panama
Performed for the World Bank, this PMS project was designed specifically for Panama. The project included the creation of a GIS system based on GPS data collection, interfacing this data with data from other software programs, calibrating the models to rigid pavements, and generating automatic export of a PMS database to the World Bank’s HDM-4 (Highway Design and Maintenance) software program.
Bridge Management System for Panama
Part of the same World Bank project (PMS project), this bridge management system project included the development of a data collection system and ranking scheme for all the bridges in Panama. Included in the project was processing the data from detailed bridge surveys, and integrating data into a GIS based on collected GPS data.
Development of a Road Management System for Ecuador
Based on local government funding, this project concentrated on developing a road management system in Ecuador. Similar in structure to the El Salvador project, with the exception of calibration to local Ecuadorian conditions, the Ecuador project included the creation of transport investment policies and their subsequent implementation, and calibration of a HDM-4 (Highway Design and Maintenance) VOC (Vehicle Operating Costs) module to local conditions.
Development of a Budgeting System for Funding Interurban and Urban Roads in El Salvador
Under the auspices of the IDB (Inter-American Development Bank), this project focused on the interurban roads, both paved and unpaved, in El Salvador. The project included the development and calibration of engineering and economic models for road transport projects, from heavily trafficked paved roads, down to rural (unpaved) roads. Further, it focused on creating a budget optimization method for periodic road maintenance activities and prioritization of routine maintenance activities. Three types of optimization were deployed in this project: standard budget optimization, agency cost optimization, and reverse optimization (e.g., determining the costs of raising the road network to a given user-defined level).
Development of an Urban Pavement Management System for Bogotá, Colombia
Funded by IDU, the Institute of Urban Development, this project, based in Bogotá, focused on the development of HDM (Highway Design and Maintenance) models for urban road conditions and subsequent calibration to local conditions. The project included creation of a GIS map used to optimize road budget allocation and to create user databases. This data interfaced with data from other systems, including Oracle and SQL Server.
Pavement Management System in Romania
A government-level PMS project under the auspices of Search Ltd. included translation of software programs to accommodate various engineering requirements from Romanian-based clients.
Pavement Management Systems (PMS) in Guatemala
Funded by the local Guatemalan government, this PMS project included the development of the first GIS software based on GPS data collection within a Pavement Management System. The project focused on national and local profitability analyses, pricing of various infrastructure elements, and economic optimization under budget constraints. Further, it included implementing economic and engineering models using advanced computer software, including integration, and calibration of HDM (Highway Design and Maintenance) models to local conditions.
Definition and Implementation of Economic and Engineering Models in Pavement Management System of Interurban Roads in Israel
Funded by the Public Works Department, Israel, the government body in charge of building and maintenance of interurban roads and interchanges, this dedicated PMS project included expansion of the IBC (Incremental Benefit Cost) method to multi-year budget constraints, the development of a reverse-optimization technique for a five-year work plan, and the analysis of macroeconomic influences on infrastructure investments. The engineering and economic models developed for the project were based on the Israeli experience in constructing and maintaining roads, and included the development of vehicle operating costs and road salvage value models based on IRI deterioration curves.