
Middle East
  • Transport
    • Appraisal, Evaluation and Economic Feasibility

      Economic feasibility studies are an important tool in evaluating projects which are competing for limited funds, be it public or private or a combination of both. Economikr’s specialty in appraisal and evaluation projects covers a wide range of transport-related issues, and includes public transit project, rail, road capacity, road widening and road construction projects. Our in-depth knowledge of theoretical and practical developments in appraisal and evaluation enables us to transfer best practice across different policy domains.

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    • Economic Modeling & Research

      For the majority of our clients, we generate economic models for each project’s specific needs, based on literature reviews, specific know-how, and close interaction with our clients. We then develop economic models to demonstrate the value and effectiveness of each project, presenting clients with the facts and figures they need towards better decision making. Our market research is often cross-referenced with our other areas of expertise, including transport, energy, environmental, education and R&D. 


      Economikr has years of experience in economic modeling and related project research. Having performed hundreds of projects that generate economic models, we know what makes for a successful project. This is reflected by presenting clients with robust and realistic model(s) of the expected project outcomes.

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    • Asset Management Systems

      Asset management systems are an integral part of Economikr’s expertise, the results of which play a key role in determining and finalizing an organization’s decision-making process. An asset management system is a decision support system, recommending a course of action for road network administrators and managers on how to best invest a specific budget according to set objectives.


      Asset management systems usually come in the form of a specialized computer software, and are generally comprised of several types of models, engineering, economic, optimization & ranking, using economic and engineering variables. Economikr has been involved in the design, modeling, building and programming asset management systems for many years in various capacities.
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  • Energy
    • Economic Feasibility of Power Plants

      Economic Feasibility Projects in the area of Energy Economics include detailed market analyses of the energy market - supply sources, demand sources, and deploying various technologies, including renewable energies (e.g., waste-to-energy and wind energy). 

      These feasibility studies are dependent on a variety of factors, apart from the supply and demand noted above, including the electricity price regime, regulation, available technology, governmental goals, and other factors as welland one of the more important ones is the electricity prices forecast. 

      Economikr’s comparative advantage is its experience in providing analysis on behalf of new private-sector entrants the entry of private players into the energy market, a field predominantly occupied by large natural monopolies. It has surveyed various developments in regulation in several markets, and has analyzed market changes in a constantly changing world, both in terms of supply of energy products, private financing, governmental guarantees, and other financial factors.

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    • Market Structure

      In the energy market, market structure evaluation is of prime importance, due to the presence of monopolies (government utilities for producing electricity), increasing returns to scale, and cartels (such as OPEC), the limited available supply, and additional factors. The following projects present evaluations of market structure both in the natural gas market – at the level of production and distribution, and the electricity market in its separate demand and supply sources.
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    • Demand, Supply and Price Forecasts

      Economikr has years of experience in demand and supply forecasting of various markets, including energy demand – oil, electricity, and natural gas. Demand, supply and their equilibrium price are assessed in a process that includes detailed market or industry analyses, surveys of relevant government bodies and potential end-users. Forecasting is performed using traditional economic theory, while calibrating to specific market needs, including the presence of monopolies and cartels when required.
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  • Environmental
    • Waste Treatment and Water Conservation

      Economikr’s environmental expertise is in both projects with explicit environmental objectives, such as waste treatment and water conservation, and in assessing environmental components within other fields, such as energy and transportation. Assessing the economic value of the environment is the basis of our projects, with a focus on environmental regulations, quotas on pollution, and related taxes and tariffs associated with the environment. 

      Economikr has a keen understanding of environmental economics, taking on projects involving economic cost assessment, benefits, and efficiency associated with environmental policies. We are experts in assessing the costs and benefits of alternative environmental policies, and presenting clients with results that promote business productivity, efficient resource use, and economic growth.

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  • More Projects
    • Educational Economics

      Economikr specializes in higher-education projects and works closely with institutions and funding agencies. With a keen understanding of educational economics, we are dedicated to research, knowledge exchange, and the teaching and learning involved in every project and how it impacts economic and social regeneration.
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    • R&D Economics

      R&D Economics zero in on the knowledge acquired in the development process, and the belief that it is of vital importance to economic growth. Deployed in several Ekonomikr projects, R&D studies focus on basic R&D, the tiny cogs that help machines run faster, and on industry-specific R&D. With years of experience in both types of R&D economics, Economikr is capable of making policy recommendations that can affect the economic growth of a nation. 
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economic feasibility, economic feasibility study, transport economics, energy economics, environmental economics, economic consultant, economic consultancy, economic analysis, master plans, asset management systems, pavement management systems, economic evaluation, ranking and optimization, demand and supply assessment, demand and supply forecasting, economic modeling and research, benefit/cost analysis, economic performance indicators, development impact, investment optimization, economic models, engineering models, multi-modal analysis, forecasting tools, economic appraisal and evaluation, Pavement Management Systems, Road Management Systems, Port Management Systems, Bridge Management Systems, budget analyses, cost-benefit analyses, evaluation of transport infrastructure, market structure assessments, project planning and budget prioritization programs, prioritization, ranking, World Bank, HDM, economic impact analysis, road safety